Here’s Why August 28 Is Such An Important Date In Black History


You might have not noticed the fact that August 28 is a really significant date in black history. So many different things happened this day in the past that affected our nowadays reality. 

The importance of this day is highlighted in a short video produced by award-winning director Ava DuVernay,  who was commissioned by the 

America’s first National Museum for African American History and Culture 

to create an exclusive orientation film.


She also added that there are some events that happened not so long ago and don’t quite fit the date, but also have a significant meaning for our history like protests in Ferguson.


Or Colin Kaepernick’s decision not to stand up during the anthem.


“In my eyes, ‘August 28’ tells so much about black history through the lens of one date. The Smithsonian gave us an opportunity to tell this story and I’m honored to be part of NMAAHC’s inaugural installations.”-

Ava DuVernay

This short peace of art will open your eyes. Don’t miss it. Black history is important. We shall never forget everything we have gone through.

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